Monday, February 15, 2016

There's Nothing More Presidential than a Library

Happy President's Day blogging friends! In honor of this day, I wanted to write a blog that highlighted the importance of Presidential Libraries


  • Began in 1939 with President FDR donating his personal and Presidential papers to the Federal Government
  • President Harry Truman followed suit, pledging part of his estate to go to a library to be used for the general public
  • The Presidential Records Act of 1976 deemed all Presidential records that documented Presidential Duties belonged to the Federal Government where archivists would then assume custody of records and build collections for patrons to view

With this rich history, patrons have been able to catch a glimpse inside the crazy and substantive life of the President, and how many important decisions he really does make. 


  1. You cannot go into a Presidential Library and check out a book
  2. They act more as a museum, in that the material is freely available to all patrons, but not for personal use, rather for educational and preservation-based purposes

Current Presidential Libraries:

  • Since the conception of Presidential Libraries, begun by FDR, there have been 12 Presidents. Thus, below are a list and location of all 13 Presidential Libraries:
  1. Jimmy Carter Library- Atlanta, GA
  2. Ronald Raegan Library- Semi Valley, CA
  3. Richard Nixon Library- Yorba Linda, CA
  4. John F Kennedy Library- Boston, MA
  5. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library- Hyde Park, NY
  6. William J. Clinton Library- Little Rock, AR
  7. Gerald R. Ford Library- Ann Arbor, MI
  8. Herbert Hoover Library- West Branch, IA
  9. Harry Truman Library- Independence, MO
  10. Dwight Eisenhower Library- Abilene, KS
  11. George W. Bush Library- Dallas, TX
  12. Lyndon B. John Library- Austin, TX
  13. George Bush Library- Houston, Texas

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